Indian Institute of Technology Patna Quantum Technology Lab
EIT, Slow light, Quantum Memory using 2D MOT
Physics 1 (PH 103, For First year B.Tech)
Course contents 3-1-0-8 Pre-requisites: nil
Orthogonal coordinate systems and frames of reference, conservative and non-conservative forces , work-energy theorem, potential energy and concept of equilibrium; Rotation about fixed axis, translational-rotational motion, vector nature of angular velocity, rigid body rotation and its applications, Euler's equations; Gyroscopic motion and its application; Accelerated frame of reference, centrifugal and Coriolis forces.
Harmonic oscillator, damped and forced oscillations, resonance, coupled oscillations, small oscillation, normal modes, longitudinal and transverse waves, wave equation, plane waves, phase velocity, superposition wave packets and group velocity, two and three dimensional waves.
Failure of classical concepts, Black body radiation, photo-electric effect, Compton effect, Davison and Germer's experiment, Frank-Hertz experiment, Bohr's theory, Sommerfeld's model, correspondence principle, Planck hypothesis, De Broglie's hypothesis, Hilbert space, observables, Dirac notation, principle of superposition, wave packets, phase and group velocities, probability & continuity equation, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, orthonormality, expectation values, uncertainty principle, postulates of QM, Schrodinger equation & its applications to 1D potentials, field quantization, periodic potential wells: Kronig Penny model and origin of band gap.
D. Kleppner and R. J. Kolenkow, An introduction to Mechanics, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2000.
David Morin, Introduction to Classical Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, NY, 2007.
Frank S. Crawford, Berkeley Physics Course Vol 3: Waves and Oscillations, McGraw Hill, 1966.
Eyvind H. Wichmann, Berkeley Physics Course Vol 4: Quantum physics, McGraw Hill, 1971.
LECTURE 1 ( 5/August/2019) Lecture Introduction (Click to open)
Video clip1 (Boy and his atom)
Video clip2 (Feather and cannon ball exp)
Video clip3 (Wine glass breaking)
Video clip4 (Gyroscope)
Video clip5 (Tacoma bridge collapse!)
LECTURE 2 (8/August/2019) Lecture 2 Co-ordinate systems (Click to open)
Plane polar co-ordinate system
Transformation of vectors from Cartesian to
polar co-ordinates
Velocity and acceleration
TUTORIAL 1 (9/August/2019)
Tutorial 1 (Click to open),
Tutorial1 supplementary materials (Click to open)
LECTURE 3 (13/August/2019)
Cylidrical polar co-ordinate system
Transformation of vectors
Infinitesimal line, area and volume element
LECTURE 4 (16/August/2019)
Spherical polar co-ordinate system
Transformation of vectors
Infinitesimal line, area and volume element